40 C HAPTER 3: A CCESSING THE S WITCHConfiguringManagementAccessThe Switch 9100 supports the following two level levels of management:n Usern AdministratorA user-level account has viewing access to all manageable parameters,with the exception of the following:n User account databasen SNMP community stringsA user-level account can use the ping command to test devicereachability, and change the password assigned to the account name. Ifyou have logged on with user capabilities, the command-line promptends with a (>) sign. For example:3C17705:2>An administrator-level account can view and change all switchparameters. It can also add and delete users, and change the passwordassociated with any account name. The administrator can disconnect amanagement session that has been established by way of a Telnetconnection. If this happens, the user logged on by way of the Telnetconnection is notified that the session has been terminated.If you have logged on with administrator capabilities, the command-lineprompt ends with a (#) sign. For example:3C17705:18#The prompt text is taken from the SNMP sysname setting. The numberthat follows the colon indicates the sequential line/command number.unconfig switch {all} Resets all switch parameters (with theexception of defined user accounts, and dateand time information) to the factory defaults.If you specify the keyword all, the useraccount information is reset as well.show banner Displays the user-configured banner.Table 9 Common Commands (continued)Command Description