40 CHAPTER 3: NBX MESSAGINGForwarding aMessageYou can forward most messages, with or without comments.If you receive a message that is marked Private, you cannot forward it.To forward a message:1 Log in to your voice mailbox at your telephone or remotely.2 Listen to a message that you want to forward, and press 5.3 After the tone, record an introductory message and then press or if youchoose not to record a comment, press when you hear the tone.4 Optionally, press one of these buttons, or proceed to step 5.Press 2 to re-record your introductory comment.Press 3 to listen to your introductory comment.Press 9 to mark the message Private or Urgent. See “Marking aMessage as Private or Urgent” later in this chapter.Press to cancel your message.5 When you are ready to forward the message, press 1.6 Dial one of these destination numbers plus :■ The internal extension or mailbox number of the recipient■ A speed dial number. See “Speed Dials” in Chapter 5.■ A voice mail group list number. (See “Using Voice Mail Group Lists”later in this chapter.)■ A site code plus extension (to send to a user on another NBX system inyour organization). Example: neee or neeee (where n = one or moresite code digits and e = the extension digits on the other system).For valid site codes in your organization, see your administrator.7 To send the message to several recipients, dial each destination numberfollowed by .8 After the last destination number and its , press again to send yourmessage.9 Follow the prompts to delete or save the message you just forwarded.##*### #