ENGLISH-14ENGLISH-14OOOO PPPP EEEE RRRR AAAA TTTT IIII OOOO NNNN SSSS (((( cccc oooo nnnn tttt iiii nnnn uuuu eeee dddd ))))Image MenuThe following adjustments and settings are available when IMAGE isselected on the menu. Select an item with the and buttons, andstart or stop operation with the and buttons.Table 6. Image MenuBLANKMIRRORSTART UPGAMMACOLOR TEMPSETUP INPUT OPT.IMAGEItem DescriptionBLANKSelect Blank Screen Color: Select color with the / button.• The image is cleared and the entire screen is displayed in the selected color, whenBLANK mode is set with BLANK ON, or when there is no signal for 5 minutes.MIRROR Select Mirror Status: Select mirror status with / button.START UPSetup Initial Screen Display: Select TURN ON with the button.Clear Initial Screen Display: Select TURN OFF with the button.• Note that if TURN OFF is selected the blank screen is displayed in blue when thereis no signal.GAMMA Select Gamma mode: Select the gamma mode with the / button.NORMAL ↔ CINEMA ↔ DYNAMICCOLORTEMPSelect Color Temperature:Select the color temperature mode with the / button.NORMAL ↔ LOW