ENGLISH-15ENGLISHENGLISH-15OOOO PPPP EEEE RRRR AAAA TTTT IIII OOOO NNNN SSSS (((( cccc oooo nnnn tttt iiii nnnn uuuu eeee dddd ))))Options MenuThe following adjustments and settings are available when OPT. isselected on the menu. Select an item with the and buttons, andstart or stop operation with the and buttons.Table 7. Options MenuVOLUMEMENU COLORLANGUAGEAUTO OFFSYNC ON GWHISPER16SETUP INPUT OPT.IMAGEItem DescriptionVOLUME Reduce ↔ IncreaseMENU COLOR Select Menu Background Color: Select with the / button.LANGUAGE Select Menu Display Language: Select with the / button.AUTO OFFSet AUTO OFF: Set 1~99 minutes with the / button. The systemautomatically enters the standby mode when a signal is not received forthe set time.Clear AUTO OFF: Select STOP (0 min.) with the button. WhenSTOP is selected the system does not enter the standby mode even ifno signal is received.SYNC ON GSYNC ON G Valid: Select TURN ON with the button.SYNC ON G Invalid: Select TURN OFF with the button.• May not be displayed correctly with some input signals when SYNC ON G isvalid. In such cases, remove the signal connector so that no signal is received,set SYNC ON G to invalid, and reconnect the signal.WHISPERSet / Crear WHISPER Mode: Press the / button. When theWHISPER is selected, the WHISPER mode is active. In the WHISPERmode, acoustic noise level from the unit is reduced, and brightness levelon screen is a little lower.