Section 9 DNP3 communication engineering9.1 Signal configuration user informationBasic knowledge about DNP3 and the used definitions are requiredto use CMT. See the DNP3 communication protocol manual forinformation on the DNP3 implementation in the IED.CMT allows to configure the signals that are used to communicate with clients ormaster units for DNP3 protocols.On the left window CMT organizes all available signals from the applicationconfiguration in containers that are preselected as signal types.On the right window CMT provides containers that are selected by tabs. Eachcontainer represents one communication channel. The number of possiblecommunication channels is IED type dependent. The IED uses TCP/IP ascommunication channel. DNP3 can be tunneled over TCP/IP. Serialcommunication RS-485 is supported. .Use direction icons that are located between the windows to move all signals or aset of individual signals between the windows.DNP3 signal types, index and default setting for classes are predefined in CMT.Adapt the signal configuration to project definitions. The signal type can not bemodified due to the fact that the internal signal set up is fixed.When the default configuration values are sufficient, the task is finished when allsignal are moved according to the project requirements.With the Save option, the signals are stored for the communication part of the IEDaccording to the default selections.Only for analog measurements additional configuration parameters are shown to dosignal scaling to DNP3 protocol presentation. This can be done when theConfiguration Table View is selected.Finally, the signal configuration to the different DNP3 channels can be listed in areport on demand and per signal type.1MRK 511 261-UEN - Section 9DNP3 communication engineering650 series 103Engineering Manual