46 Functions in the Options menuNote: The data shown in the graph is not stored in the drive memory, that is, ifyou remove or restart the control panel, the data is lost.• Display decimals: Specifies how many decimals are shown.• Display name: Enter a custom label to show in the Home view instead of theparameter name.• Min and Max: This function depends whether Scale value range is selected ornot:• Scale value range not selected: Select the minimum and maximum signalvalues that are shown on graph displays.• Scale value range selected: Select the actual values of the parameter thatcorrespond to Display min as and Display max as (see below).• Scale value range: Select if you want to specify the value range.• Display min as and Display max as: Select the minimum and maximumvalues shown in the Home view.This feature allows application-specific scaling to be applied.If the parameter value is below the minimum or above the maximum, the textOff the scale is displayed. In the graph format, small arrows are shown insteadto indicate values off the scale.• Display unit: Customize the unit shown in Home view when scaling is used.Scaling with Display signal min/max as and Signal min/maxactual min actual maxactual valueSignal min Signal maxDisplay signal min as Display signal max as0-32767 32768-3000 6000-50.00 100.00display value