18 Introduction to the manualFSO-21 Safety functions module which supports the FSE-31module and the use of safety encodersGND GroundHFT Hardware fault tolerance. (EN/IEC 62061,IEC 61508)MTTF D Mean time to dangerous failure: (The total numberof life units) / (the number of dangerous, undetectedfailures) during a particular measurement intervalunder stated conditions (EN ISO 13849-1)PELV Protected extra-low voltage (IEC 60364-4-41)PFD avg Average probability of dangerous failure on demand(IEC 61508, EN/IEC 61800-5-2, EN/IEC 62061)PFH Average frequency of dangerous failures per hour[1/h](IEC 61508, EN/IEC 61800-5-2, EN/IEC 62061)PL Performance level (levels are: a, b, c, d and e).Corresponds to SIL. (EN ISO 13849-1)PTC Positive temperature coefficientSAR Safe acceleration range. In the FSO module, thereare two sets of SAR parameters (SAR0 and SAR1)that are used to define and/or monitor thedeceleration ramp in safety functions.Safety system Whole safety system including, for example, humaninterface, FPTC-01 module, FSO module, drive andsensors.SBC Safe brake control. A safety function in the FSOmodule.SC Systematic capability (IEC 61508)SFF Safe failure fraction (%) (IEC 61508).SIL Safety integrity level (levels are: 1, 2, 3, and 4).Corresponds to PL. (IEC 61508)SILCL SIL claim limit. Maximum SIL that can be claimed fora safety function or subsystem. (EN/IEC 62061)SMT Safe motor temperature. (EN/IEC 61800-5-2)Term/abbreviation Description