56 Parameter settings General parametersSet these FSO parameters always when you use the FSO modulewith the FPTC-01 module.Index Name ExamplevalueDescriptionFSOGEN.11StopcompletedoutputNone1) Sets the digital output that indicatesthe completion of any stop function.Active when the FSO module hascompleted the STO, SSE or SS1function.FSOGEN.21Motornominalspeed1500 rpm Sets the nominal motor speed. Adjustthe default value to meet the motor inuse.FSOGEN.22Motornominalfrequency50 Hz Sets the nominal motor frequency.Adjust the default value to meet themotor in use.FSOGEN.41Power-upacknowledgementAutomatic Sets the power-up acknowledgementmethod of the FSO module.Automatic: You do not need to push areset button after switching on theFSO module. The FSO modulegenerates the acknowledgementsignal automatically after the power-up.Manual: The FSO module reads theexternal acknowledgement signalthrough the digital input defined byparameter FSOGEN.42.Make sure that the value is Automatic.FSOGEN.42Acknowledgement buttoninputNone1) Selects the digital input for theacknowledgement signal whenparameter STO.02 has value Manual.In the safety function described in thismanual, parameter STO.02 has valueAutomatic and this parameter hasvalue None (no acknowledgementsignal connected to the input).