6.2 Environmental informationHazardous materialThe table specifies some of the materials in the product and their respective usethroughout the product.Dispose components properly to prevent health or environmental hazards.Example applicationMaterialSerial measurement boardBatteries, NiCad or LithiumCables, motorsCopperBase, lower arm, upper armCast iron/nodular ironGears, screws, base frame, and so on.SteelBrakes, motorsNeodymiumCables, connectors, drive belts, and so on.Plastic/rubberGearboxesOil, greaseCovers, synchronization bracketsAluminiumOil and greaseWhere possible, arrange for oil and grease to be recycled. Dispose of via anauthorized person/contractor in accordance with local regulations. Do not disposeof oil and grease near lakes, ponds, ditches, down drains, or onto soil. Incinerationmust be carried out under controlled conditions in accordance with local regulations.Also note that:• Spills can form a film on water surfaces causing damage to organisms.Oxygen transfer could also be impaired.• Spillage can penetrate the soil causing ground water contamination.330 3HAC033453-001 Revision: H© Copyright 2009-2013 ABB. All rights reserved.6 Decommissioning6.2 Environmental information