Section 2 Modbus data mappings2.1 OverviewThis document describes the Modbus data points and structures available in the IED.The point list describes a superset of all data available through the standardconfiguration/s including the optional functionalities.The majority of the Modbus data points are valid for all standard configurations. Somedata points are standard configuration or optional application dependent and thus notavailable in each IED. The unavailable, that means unused, data points always returnvalue 0 when they are read. The configuration dependent and optional data do notoverlap.2.2 Supported functions in REM611Table 2:Supported functionsFunction IEC 61850 AME/C101ProtectionThree-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage PHLPTOC 1Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneousstagePHIPTOC 1Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage EFLPTOC 11)Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage EFHPTOC 11)Negative-sequence overcurrent protection for machines MNSPTOC 2Loss of load supervision LOFLPTUC 1Motor load jam protection JAMPTOC 1Motor start-up supervision STTPMSU 1Phase reversal protection PREVPTOC 1Thermal overload protection for motors MPTTR 1Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF 1Master trip TRPPTRC 1ControlCircuit-breaker control CBXCBR 1Emergency start-up ESMGAPC 1Condition monitoring and supervisionTrip circuit supervision TCSSCBR 2Table continues on next page1MRS757464 C Section 2Modbus data mappingsREM611 11Point List Manual