47Table Undervoltage protection, stages U<, U<< and U1< (Continued)Feature Stage U< Stage U<< Stage U 1 <Retardation time, typical 30 ms 30 ms 50 msSet resetting time, t r< 0.07...60.0 s - -Drop-off/pick-up ratio, D/P< 1.01...1.05 1.01...1.05 1.04Operate time accuracy:-at definite-time characteristic ±2% of the setoperate time or±25 ms±2% of the setoperate time or±25 ms±2% of the setoperate time or±25 ms-at IDMT characteristic ±25 ms or theaccuracyappearing whenthe measuredvoltage varies±3%±25 ms or theaccuracyappearing whenthe measuredvoltage varies±3%±25 ms or theaccuracyappearing whenthe measuredvoltage varies±3%Operation accuracy ±1.5% of the setstart value±1.5% of the setstart value±5% of the setstart valuea) Resetting time of the trip signal.Table Residual overvoltage protection, stages U 0> and U 0 >>Feature Stage U0 > Stage U 0 >>Set start value U 0> and U 0>>:-at definite-time characteristic 2.0...80% Un 2.0...80% U nStart time, typical 70 ms 60 msTime/voltage characteristic:-definite-time operate time, t 0>, t 0 >> 0.10...600 s 0.10...600 sResetting time, typical/maximum 30/50 ms a) 30/50 msa)Retardation time, typical 30 ms 30 msSet resetting time, t 0r> 0.07...60.0 s 100 msDrop-off/pick-up ratio, typical 0.96 0.96Operate time accuracy:-at definite-time characteristic ±2% of the set operatetime or ±25 ms±2% of the set operatetime or ±25 msOperation accuracy ±1.5% of the set startvalue or ±0.05% Un±1.5% of the set startvalue or ±0.05% U na) Resetting time of the trip signal.Table CBFPFeature ValueSet operate time 0.10...60.0 sPhase-to-phase voltage threshold forexternal triggering of the CBFP:-pick-up/drop-off 0.15/0.10 × U n5.1.5. Trip-circuit supervisionThe trip-circuit supervision ( TCS) detects open circuits, both when the circuitbreaker is open and closed, and trip-circuit supply failure.Voltage RelayTechnical Reference ManualREU 6101MRS755769