Installing and commissioning41/18-77 EN Installing and commissioning 173.3.2 OverviewFor the cable entry into thecase two threaded holesPG 13.5, 1/2 - 14 NPT orM20 x 1.5 are available on theleft side of the case (see Fig.5). The front hole is equippedwith a cable gland, in the backa dummy plug is mounted.The screw terminals inside the case are assigned as follows (see Fig. 6):1 Not used2 Service switch for shut-down module3 Terminals for the plug-inmodule for the shutdownfunction4 Kit for digital positionfeedback,either proximity switchesor 24 V microswitch (firstconnector), terminalsdesigned for wire sizesup to 1.5mm 25 Kit for digital positionfeedback, either proxim-ity switches or24 V microswitch(second connector), ter-minals designed for wiresizes up to 1.5mm 26 Bus terminals, designed for wire sizes up to 2.5mm 27 Grounding screwCable glandDummy plugFig. 5 Cable entry+41 -42Limit 2Limit 1+85-86+51 -52+ -(11) (12)1246753OnOff2Off1Fig. 6 Screw terminals