Y1-03-0233 Rev. F 35This message appears if Self-Test has passed. The display indicates that the external GPSdid not update its coordinates during Self-Test.NOTE: If external GPS data cannot be acquired, typically due to the external GPS nothaving achieved a good fix, it does not affect the pass status of Self-Test. Self-Test requiresGPS engine readiness but does not require that the GPS obtain coordinates.If one of the six tests fails, the system advises you that Self-Test has failed.This message appears if Self-Test failed. The system advises you to refer to this ProductSupport Manual (User Book) for information on what to do and who to contact.This message appears if Self-Test failed. The system advises you to seek service from anauthorized Service Center. Not only should the beacon be fixed immediately, it also shouldnot be placed into service until the problem is addressed.NOTE: “SEEK FIX NOW” has the same meaning as “FIX NOW”This message appears if Self-Test has passed, but the battery is low. Take the beacon to anauthorized Service Center for a battery replacement.NOTES regarding Self-Test logic:1.) When one of the tests fail, the system bypasses the remainingtests and goes to SELF-TEST FAIL2.) The only exception to #1 is that if the battery fails, the other testsare still performed. The system will tell the user if there are other systemfailures by flashing SELF-TEST FAIL. If there are no failures other thanbattery life, the system flashes SELF-TEST PASS, then BATT LOW.NO NMEA GPS DATASELF TEST FAILSEE USER BOOKlong beepSEEK FIX NOWBATT LOWR