Installation113.3 Ins tallation conditions3.3.1 Ins tallation conditions for le ve l m e as ure m e ntsL00-FMU4xxxx-17-00-00-de-005• Do not install the sensor in the middle of the tank (3). We recommend leaving adistance between the sensor and the tank wall (1) measuring 1/6 of the tank diameter.• Use a protective cover, in order to protect the device from direct sun or rain (2).• Avoid measurements through the filling curtain (4).• Make sure that equipment (5) such as limit switches, temperature sensors, etc. arenot located within the emitting angle α. In particular, symmetrical equipment (6) suchas heating coils, baffles etc. can influence measurement.• Align the sensor so that it is vertical to the product surface (7).• Never install two ultrasonic measuring devices in a tank, as the two signals may affecteach other.• To estimate the transmitted echo beam and its detection range, use the 3 dB emittingangle α.12 3 4561/6D7Drα LSensor α L rUSD 050 11° 5 m 0,48 mUSD 080 11° 8 m 0,77 mUSD 100 11° 10 m 0,96 mUSD 150 6° 15 m 0,79 mSLP10