Appendix6111.3 Me as uring principleL00-FMU4x-15-00-00-de-001E: Empty distance; F: Span (full distance); D: Distance from sensor membrane - product surface; L: Level;BD: Blocking distance11.3.1 Tim e -of-flig ht m e thodThe sensor of the Sonicont transmits ultrasonic pulses in the direction of the productsurface. There, they are reflected back and received by the sensor. The Sonicontmeasures the time t between pulse transmission and reception. The instrument uses thetime t (and the velocity of sound c) to calculate the distance D between the sensormembrane and the product surface:D = c ⋅ t/2As the device knows the empty distance E from a user entry, it can calculate the levelas follows:L = E - DAn integrated temperature sensor compensates for changes in the velocity of soundcaused by temperature changes.11.3.2 Inte rfe re nce e cho s uppre s s ionThe interference echo suppression feature on the Sonicont ensures that interferenceechos (e.g. from edges, welded joints and installations) are not interpreted as a levelecho.11.3.3 CalibrationEnter the empty distance E and the span F to calibrate the device.20 mA100%4 mA0%DLFEBDSensor BD Max. range fluids Max. range bulk materialsUSD 050 0.25 m 5 m 2 mUSD 080 0.35 m 8 m 3.5 mUSD 100 0.4 m 10 m 5 mUSD 150 0.6 m 15 m 7 mSLP10