Safety instructions41 Safe ty ins tructions1.1 De s ig nate d us eThe Sonicont is a compact measuring device for continuous, non-contact levelmeasurement. Depending on the sensor, the measuring range is up to 15m in fluids andup to 7m in bulk solids. By using the linearisation function, the Sonicont can also beused for flow measurements in open channels and measuring weirs.1.2 Ins tallation, com m is s ioning , ope rationThe Sonicont is fail-safe and is constructed to the state-of-the-art. It meets theappropriate standards and EC directives. However, if you use it improperly or other thanfor its designated use, it may pose application-specific hazards, e.g. product overflowdue to incorrect installation or configuration. Installation, electrical connection, start-up,operation and maintenance of the measuring device must therefore be carried outexclusively by trained specialists authorised by the system operator. Technicalpersonnel must have read and understood these operating instructions and mustadhere to them. You may only undertake modifications or repair work to the device whenit is expressly permitted by the operating instructions.1.3 Hazardous are aMeasuring systems for use in hazardous environments are accompanied by separate"Ex documentation", which is an integral part of this Operating Manual. Strictcompliance with the installation instructions and ratings as stated in this supplementarydocumentation is mandatory.• Ensure that all personnel are suitably qualified.• Observe the specifications in the certificate as well as national and local regulations.1.4 Note s on s afe ty conve ntions and s ym bolsIn order to highlight safety-relevant or alternative operating procedures in the manual,the following conventions have been used, each indicated by a corresponding symbolin the margin.Symbol Meaning# Warning!A warning highlights actions or procedures which, if not performed correctly,will lead to personal injury, a safety hazard or destruction of the instrument" Caution!Caution highlights actions or procedures which, if not performed correctly,may lead to personal injury or incorrect functioning of the instrument! Note!A note highlights actions or procedures which, if not performed correctly, mayindirectly affect operation or may lead to an instrument response which is notplanned0 Device certified for use in explosion hazardous areaIf the device has this symbol embossed on its name plate it can be installed inan explosion hazardous areaSLP10