2©2022 ADJ Products, LLC all rights reserved. Information, specifications, diagrams, images, andinstructions herein are subject to change without notice. ADJ Products, LLC logo and identifying prod-uct names and numbers herein are trademarks of ADJ Products, LLC. Copyright protection claimedincludes all forms and matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory orjudicial law or hereinafter granted. Product names used in this document may be trademarks or regis-tered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. All non-ADJ Products,LLC brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective compa-nies.ADJ Products, LLC and all affiliated companies hereby disclaim any and all liabilities for property,equipment, building, and electrical damages, injuries to any persons, and direct or indirect economicloss associated with the use or reliance of any information contained within this document, and/or asa result of the improper, unsafe, insufficient and negligent assembly, installation, rigging, and opera-tion of this product.Date DocumentVersionSoftwareVersion DMX Channels Notes08/21/2019 1 1.0 11/14 Initial Release10/01/2019 1.2 N/C No Change Software Update Instructions Added12/17/2019 1.3 1.3 No Change Updated Display Lock/Unlock Feature09/16/2020 1.4 N/C No Change Updated Factory Specs12/09/2020 1.5 N/C No Change Corrected DMX Channel Modes03/02/2021 1.6 N/C No Change Updated Dimensional Drawings and Specifications11/22/2022 1.7 N/C No ChangeUpdated IP Notice, Installation, Torque Settings,Specifications; added RDM, Dimmer Curves &Modes, FCC StatementDOCUMENT VERSIONDue to additional product features and/or enhancements, an updated version of this document may be avail-able online.Please check www.adj.com for the latest revision/update of this manual before beginning installationand/or programming.RISK GROUP 3 - RISK OF EXPOSURE TO ULTRAVIOLET (UV) RADIATION!FIXTURE EMITS HIGH INTENSITY WAVELENGTH OF ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT.WEAR PROPER EYE AND SKIN PROTECTION.DO NOT OPERATE FIXTURE WITH DAMAGED/MISSING EXTERNAL COVER ORPROTECTIVE LENS.DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE (UV) LIGHT AND/OR VIEW (UV) LIGHTDIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS THAT MAY CONCENTRATE THELIGHT/RADIATION OUTPUT.AVOID PROLONGED PERIODS OF EXPOSURE.AVOID WEARING WHITE COLOR CLOTHING AND/OR USING (UV) PAINTS ONSKIN.AVOID DIRECT EYE AND/OR SKIN EXPOSURE AT DISTANCES SHORTERTHAN 11 FEET (3.3 METERS).INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING FROM A RANGE OF EYE CONDITIONS, SUNLIGHTEXPOSURE DISORDERS, OR INDIVIDUALS USING PHOTOSENSITIVEMEDICATION MAY EXPERIENCE DISCOMFORT IF EXPOSED TO THEULTRAVIOLET (UV) LIGHT EMITTED FROM THIS FIXTURE.