9S A F E T Y G U I D E L I N E SThis fixture is a sophisticated piece of electronic equipment. To guarantee smooth operation, it isimportant to follow all instructions and guidelines in this manual. ADJ Products, LLC is not respon-sible for injury and/or damages resulting from the misuse of this fixture due to the disregard of theinformation printed in this manual. Only qualified and/or certified personnel should perform instal-lation of this fixture, and only the original rigging parts included with this fixture should be used forinstallation. Any modifications to the fixture and/or the included mounting hardware will void theoriginal manufacturer’s warranty and increase the risk of damage and/or personal injury.PROTECTION CLASS 1 - FIXTURE MUST BE PROPERLY GROUNDEDTHERE ARE NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE THIS UNIT.DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY REPAIRS YOURSELF; DOING SO WILL VOIDYOUR MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY. DAMAGES RESULTINGFROM MODIFICATIONS TO THIS FIXTURE AND/OR THE DISREGARDOF SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES IN THIS MANUALVOID THE MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY AND ARE NOT SUBJECTTO ANY WARRANTY CLAIMS AND/OR REPAIRS.DO NOT PLUG FIXTURE INTO A DIMMER PACK!NEVER OPEN THIS FIXTURE WHILE IN USE!UNPLUG POWER BEFORE SERVICING FIXTURE!MAXIMUM AMBIENT OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS 104° F (40° C)!NEVER TOUCH FIXTURE WITH BARE HANDS DURING OPERATION, AS SUR-FACE TEMPERATURE DURING OPERATION MAY REACH 167° F (75° C)KEEP FLAMMABLE MATERIALS AWAY FROM FIXTURE!NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE LIGHT SOURCE!RETINA INJURY RISK - MAY INDUCE BLINDNESS!SENSITIVE PERSONS MAY SUFFER AN EPILEPTIC SHOCK!ENSURE ALL CONNECTIONS AND END CAPS ARE PROPERLY SEALED WITHA DIELECTRIC GREASE (AVAILABLE AT MOST ELECTRICAL SUPPLIERS) TOPREVENT WATER CORROSION AND/OR ELECTRICAL SHORT CIRCUIT.IF THE FIXTURE IS EXPOSED TO ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE CHANG-ES, SUCH AS RELOCATION FROM A COLD OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT TO AWARM INDOOR ENVIRONMENT, DO NOT POWER THE FIXTURE ON IMMEDI-ATELY. INTERNAL CONDENSATION AS A RESULT OF ENVIRONMENTAL TEM-PERATURE CHANGE CAN CAUSE INTERNAL FIXTURE DAMAGE. LEAVE THEFIXTURE POWERED OFF UNTIL IT HAS REACHED ROOM TEMPERATUREBEFORE POWERING ON.