18C O N T R O L P A N E LThe Hydro Spot 2 features a display screen with a 6-button control pad, which can be used to easilyadjust any device settings.• The MODE button cycles through main menu options, or returns to the previous menu without mak-ing changes.• The ENTER button is used to select the highlighted option, or to confirm a selection.• The UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT buttons are used to navigate and adjust menu options and set-tings displayed on the screen.KEY LOCKThis function allows the user to configure whether or not the display screen and control panel keyswill lock after a certain period of inactivity. It can be accessed by navigating to Personality > Display >Key Lock in the system menu. The setting options are described below:• OFF: The display screen and control panel keys remain active at all times.• ON: The display screen and control panel keys automatically lock after a certain period of inactiv-ity, which can be set under Personality > Display > Screen Saver Delay. To unlock, press and holdthe MODE button for 10 seconds.• ON1: The display screen and control panel keys automatically lock after a certain period of inac-tivity, which can be set under Personality > Display > Screen Saver Delay. To unlock, press UP,DOWN, UP, DOWN, ENTER in that order.