561433105L2-5D Section 61433105L2, Issue 4ecneuqeSnoitcnuF noitcnuF noitcnuF noitcnuF noitcnuFsetyBdevieceRkcabpoolevitcAdnakcabpoolniatniaMsrorretibroftsetkcabpoolraelCfosetybevitucesnocruoFedockcabpooldeificepsUCO-0101010XUSC-0001010XUSD-0011010XhtiwgnitanretlaetybataDedockcabpool:elpmaxe0101010X/1DDDDDDXsetybatadevitucesnocruoFkcabpoolgnitanretlatuohtiwedoctiberact'noD=XTable 4. Alternating Loopback Activation SequenceecneuqeSnoitcnuF noitcnuF noitcnuF noitcnuF noitcnuF edoCetyBforebmuNdevieceR devieceR devieceR devieceR devieceRsetyB setyB setyB setyB setyBgnitsixeraelCskcabpoolotecivedyfitnedIdepooleb;pooloteraperPedocPAMdnessetyb03retfaetavitcAkcabpoolninoitisnarT)PIT(ssergorp0101110XtceleskcabpooL)CSL(edoc0SD-1010000XUCO-1010101XUSC-1000110XEIN-1000001XdelbanekcabpooL)EBL(0110101XeciovdnE-raF)VEF(0101101XfomuminiMsetybPIT53fomuminiMsetybCSL53fomuminiMsetybEBL001fomuminiMsetybVEF23dehsilbatseelbasidotderiuqersetybPIT53fomuminiM.kcabpoolgnihctaltiberaCt'noD=XTable 3. Latching Loopback Activation SequenceThe TR DDS-DP will respond to a loopbackcommand initiated at the TROCU-R as follows:• Pressing the TROCU-R LBK pushbutton oncewill initiate a loopback at the TR DDS-DPtowards the customer. See Figure 6.This allows data to be sent from the remote end to testthe local loop and the TROCU-R. This loopback isindicated by a flashing CUST LED on the TROCU-Rand a solid CUST LED on the Total Reach DDS-DP.• Pressing the LBK pushbutton a second timeinitiates a loopback at the TROCU-R towards the4-wire DDS (CPE) interface. See Figure 7.A solid CUST LBK LED on the TROCU-R indicates aloopback at the TROCU-R towards the customerequipment.• Pressing the TROCU-R LBK pushbutton a thirdtime disables all current latching loopbacksinitiated by the TROCU-R LBK pushbutton.If errors exist the loopbacks can help determine thesource; either the local loop or the TROCU-R. Duringa remote end initiated loopback the Total Reachsystem transmits ASC 9Eh towards the network,indicating an out-of-service condition generated by theremote end as shown in Figures 6 and 7.4. REMOTE PROVISIONING ANDDIAGNOSTICSControl ProtocolRemote access to provisioning and status information isaccomplished using ADTRAN Digital System 6 Messageprotocol, defined in Control and Diagnostic ProceduresPractice, Section 6032991-6. Digital System 6 issupported by the TPI 108/109 and 105 portable test setand is supported by Hekimian React 2001 Release 1.900remote test system. The Total Reach DDS networkelements comply with ANSI T1.107-1995, “ DigitalHierarchy Format Specifications Annex G” which allowsremote provisioning, querying, and performancemonitoring via in-band control of network elements.Figure 5. DDS Trouble CodesChannel BankOpen 2-wire LoopDSUTRDDS-RTRDDSDPCustomer PremisesASC 9EhChannel BankASC 9EhOpen 4-Wire CustomerInterfaceDSUTRDDSDPCustomer PremisesTRDDS-RAlternatingMOS 9Ah/ASC 9Eh