IP 700 Series Phone Administrator Guide Appendix A. Configuration and Line Parameters61200770E1-31C Copyright © 2009 ADTRAN, Inc. 75ProxyServer.z.Port.y 0 to 65535 Port of the Registration Server.Y may be 1 or 2. 1 is the primary and2 is the backup. If set to 0, then thevalue returned in the DNS_SRVlookup is used. A setting of zero alsocauses a DNS NAPTR lookup of thevalue in ProxyServer.z.Address.y.Z may have a value between 0 and11.Default: 5060Config FileWeb InterfaceProxyServerMaxRetry 1 to 3 Number of attempts to contact aserver before the next one is tried.Default: 3Config FileWeb InterfaceRegServer.z.Address.y FQDN or IPAddressAn IP address, FQDN, or domainname for one or more registrarservers. If only a proxy domain nameis specified, a SIP SRV record for theregistrar must be configured in theDNS server and theRegServer.z.Port.y must be set to 0.Y = the server number. May be 1 or 2.1 is the primary and 2 is the backup.Z may have a value between 0 and11.Config FileWeb InterfaceRegServer.z.Port.y FQDN or IPAddressPort of the Registration Server.Y may be 1 or 2. 1 is the primary and2 is the backup. If set to 0, then thevalue returned in the DNS_SRVlookup shall be used. A setting ofzero also causes a DNS NAPTRlookup of the value inRegServer.z.Address.y. Z may havea value between 0 and 11.Default: 5060Config FileWeb InterfaceRegServerExpires.z 10 to 65536 Registration interval in seconds. Thissetting also controls the subscriptioninterval for Call-Info subscriptions.Z may have a value between 0 and11.Default: 3600Config FileWeb InterfaceTable 12. Configuration Parameters (Continued)Parameter Value Type Description Sources