MX2800 M13 MultiplexerUser ManualManual Part Number - 61200290L1-1G4205290L1 AC Non-Redundant Version with Modem4205290L2 AC Redundant Version with Modem4205290L3 DC Non-Redundant Version with Modem4205290L4 DC Redundant Version with Modem4205290L5 AC Non-Redundant Version4205290L6 AC Redundant Version4205290L7 DC Non-Redundant Version4205290L8 DC Redundant Version1205288L1 Controller Card1205288L2 Controller Card1200291L1 Breakout Panel4175043L2 Battery Backup1200657L2 Battery Backup Adapter Cable1200287L1 Amp to Punch-Down Cable 25 ft.1200287L5 Amp to Punch-Down Cable 50 ft.1200287L7 Amp to Punch-Down Cable 100 ft.1200291L5 BNC patch panel1200466L1 Fan Faceplate®61200290L1-1GOctober 2004®