Chapter 1. Introduction2 TSU 120 User Manual 61200.129L1-1TSU 100The TSU 100 is the same as the TSU with the addedfeature of a slot in the rear panel to house an optionmodule. Each module offers up to four additionaldata ports.TSU 120The TSU 120 is the same as the TSU 100 with the addition ofa DSX-1 PBX interface to the base of the unit.TSU 600The TSU 600 is the same as the TSU with the addedfeature of six slots in the rear panel to house up to sixoption modules. Each module offers up to fouradditional data ports for a total of 24 possible dataports.The TSU 120 serves as the link between user datasources such as local area network (LAN) bridges androuters, computers, CAD systems, teleconferencingequipment, and PBXs. Through the use of multipledata ports, the TSU 120 can simultaneously connectone or more of these devices to a T1 circuit. Theamount of bandwidth allocated to each port is customprogrammable. The bandwidth allocation can bechanged manually or set to automatically change atpredetermined times to use the available bandwidthmost advantageously. Changes in the configurationare accomplished without disrupting data flow inchannels that are not being re-configured. The uniquearchitecture and the availability of the option modulesprovides a path for growth to accommodate futurerequirements.