Chapter 3. Operation6 6 TSU 120 User Manual 61200.129L1-1@@Figure 3-13Selection Times for Map ExchangeWith the cursor on 1)Map A, press Enter to activatethe selection fields for hour and minute. The cursorfirst moves to the hour position. Type in numbers andpress Enter. The selected hour is entered and thecursor moves to the minute position. Set minutes bythe same method as used to set the hours; seconds aredefaulted to zero (0).If a number is mistakenly entered, pressing Cancelinterrupts the editing process. The procedure can berestarted to accept correct entries.When using one digit numbers, the number appearsin the first of two spaces. Upon pressing Enter, thesystem moves the single number to the second spaceand fills the first with a zero.After editing Map A, press Enter to record the Map Asettings and activate the selection fields for Map B.Use the same operation to edit switching time for MapB.After settings for both Maps A and B are completed,press Cancel to returns to 3)MAP XCHNG.Continue with standard operating procedures.When ESF is used with an FDL channel between units, theunits automatically coordinate the automatic map switch bysending a map switch command from end-to-end over theFDL.