Chapter 3. Operation61200.129L1-1 TSU 120 User Manual 6 3YEL ALARMEnables and disables the transmitting of yellowalarms.Choices: ENA, DISAXMIT PRMEnables and disables the sending of PRM data on thefacility data link (FDL). The PRM data continues to becollected even if XMIT PRM is disabled (possible onlywith ESF Format).Choices: Off, OnTIMING MODESelects the clock source for transmission toward thenetwork from the NI.Choices: Network, Base DTE, Base DSX-1,Internal, Secondary (SI), and Normal(CSU)Base DTE, Base DSX-1, and Internal are available only ifno secondary interface is installed.SET LBOSelects the line build out for the network interface. InAUTO mode, the TSU 120 sets the LBO based on thestrength of the receive signal and displays the selectedvalue.Choices: 0 dB, 7.5 dB, 15 dB, 22 dB, AutoINBAND LPBCKSets unit to accept or reject the in-band loop up andloop down codes as defined in ANSI T1.403. This is aline loopback.Choices: Accept, RejectBIT STUFFINGWhen enabled, bit stuffing causes the TSU 120 tomonitor for ones (1s) density violations and insert aone (1) when needed to maintain ones at 12.5 %.Choices: Enable, Disable