Baking results Possible cause RemedyThe cake browns unevenly. The oven temperature is toohigh and the baking time istoo short.Set a lower oven tempera-ture and a longer bakingtime.The cake browns unevenly. The mixture is unevenly dis-tributed.Spread the mixture evenlyon the baking tray.The cake is not ready in thebaking time given.The oven temperature is toolow.The next time you bake, seta slightly higher oven tem-perature.11.4 Baking on one level:Baking in tinsFood Function Temperature(°C)Time (min) Shelf positionRing cake / Brio-cheTrue Fan Cook-ing150 - 160 50 - 70 1Madeira cake /Fruit cakesTrue Fan Cook-ing140 - 160 70 - 90 1Fatless spongecake / Fatlesssponge cakeTrue Fan Cook-ing140 - 150 35 - 50 2Fatless spongecake / Fatlesssponge cakeTop / BottomHeat160 35 - 50 2Flan base - shortpastryTrue Fan Cook-ing 170 - 1801) 10 - 25 2Flan base -sponge mixtureTrue Fan Cook-ing150 - 170 20 - 25 2Apple pie / Ap-ple pie (2 tinsØ20 cm, diago-nally off set)True Fan Cook-ing160 60 - 90 2Apple pie / Ap-ple pie (2 tinsØ20 cm, diago-nally off set)Top / BottomHeat180 70 - 90 1Cheesecake Top / BottomHeat170 - 190 60 - 90 11) Preheat the