Pro Steam systemFill steam water tankYou must fill up the steam water tank before using a Pro Steam programme forthe first time. Use the distilled water provided if there is not yet any condensedwater from previous drying programmes (see chapter on ‘Care and cleaning, Emp-tying condensed water container’). If, after a Pro Steam programme is selected,following message The steam water tank is empty. Please fill it and then pressSTART on the display appears, you will need to fill up the steam water tank withdistilled water. Otherwise, you will not be able to start any Pro Steam programme.Pull drawer containing condensed watercontainer out a little 1, then pull the watertank’s filler neck 2Important! Only fill the water tank withdistilled or fully desalinated water. Do notuse tap water or additives! You can alsouse the condensed water from the tank,as long as you filter it first (use the can-ister supplied with the filter fitted: seepicture opposite).Fill with distilled water from the canister pro-vided, up to the MAX mark inside thecontainer.Push filler neck and drawer with condensed water container back in.When dry, all textiles not specifically prohibited in the chapter ‘Sorting andpreparing laundry’ may be treated with the Pro Steam System. Wet textilesmay only be treated if they are labelled as suitable for dry programmes.Water recirculation systemThis system allows you to use for a Pro Steam cycle automatically the condensedwater collected in the condense water tank during a drying cycle.12max.18