Installation and Commissioning Guide Split Ducted ESP DigitalInstallation and Commissioning Guide - Split Ducted ESP Digital UnitsDoc. No.0525-077 Ver. 2 2001292713. Zoning Cable Length and Specification13.01. ESP PlusTOTAL LENGTH OF ALL ZONING CABLE MUST NOT EXCEED 250 METRES ^TOTAL CABLE LENGTH PER INDIVIDUAL ZONE MUST NOT EXCEED 100 METRES**ITEM DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM CABLE LENGTH ^2 to 3 Integrated Zone Barrel 3 to Zone Module 100 m2 to 4A Maximum Cumulative Cable Length ** (per zone - 8 zone) 100 m4 to 4A Zone Barrel 8 to Zone Barrel 9 (Piggy-Back) *** 95 m1 to 5 Indoor PCB to Remote Sensor (Max. of 2 Optional Sensors) 50 m*****^^^Long runs beside Mains cables or TV antenna cables should be avoided where possible.Diagram shown is a general presentation only. Refer to individual unit wiring diagram for complete connection details.Maximum Cumulative Cable Length per individual zone must not exceed 100 m per zone.For Example, 2 to 4A (Optional 8 Zones Piggy-Back Configuration), if 2 to 4 is 75 m, then 3 to 3A must be less than or equal to25 m to be within the 100m maximum length.Recommended maximum cable length, provided total of preceding and subsequent cable connections are only 5 m.Total Cumulative length of all the aggregate cable must not exceed 250 metres. Consult ActronAir for longer cable lengthrequirement.Total of 10 Zone Barrels are allowed for 8Z-24V, and a maximum of 4 Zone Barrels are allowed per individual zone.INTEGRATED ZONE BARRELS(1-Zone Up To 8-Zone Options / Max. of 10 Zone Motors per System ^^)OPTIONAL ^^PIGGY-BACKCONFIGURATION3 3OPTIONAL1 ZONE - UP - TO - 8 ZONESCAT5E Cable with BasicNon-Moulded RJ45 PlugCAT5E Cable with BasicNon-Moulded RJ45 Plug8Z-24V8 - ZONE MODULE(Factory Supplied and Fitted)INDOOR UNIT28 - ZONEMO DULER-410A“CAUTION”PLEASE ENSURE THERE ISNO GAS / PRESSURE IN THEFAN COIL UNIT BEFOREREMOVING COPPER END CAPS.3570-043155LM-RS-2W/ LM-RS-2G AERSS