71Chapter C - Quick-Setupcommand at a time). Enable all features if this is possible without conflicts. Then leave thisscreen buy pressing < OK >.The maximum synchronous transfer rate can be limited. This limitation may become nec-essary if a particular SCSI cabling does not allow the maximum rate the drive and the co n-troller could achieve. In our example, we leave the rate at 10.0 MByte/s (for Wide SCSI at20.0 MBytes/s and Wide & Ultra SCSI at 40.0 MBytes/s) and press .The warning on the destruction of all data implies different evaluations, according to thedriveís current state and the options you have selected:1. First Initialisation of the SCSI DeviceIn this case the warning must be taken seriously. If the drive was previously connected toa different controller (e.g. NCR etc.) and still contains data, this data will be lost now.2. Format Disk and/or Surface Test enabledIn this case, regardless of the drive's previous settings, all data is destroyed.3. The SCSI Device was already initializedIf only internal parameters, such as Disconnect, Synchronous Transfer and SCSI-II o p-tions have been changed, the data on the drive remains intact. Only the function statusof the device is changed.