Dust Control System50Service Manual – Advance 7765 / Nilfisk CR1500The Dust Control Vacuum Fan Motoris fastened to the Impeller Mountingand Guard Bracket. The impeller isattached to the output shaft on theDust Control Vacuum Fan Motor.The Impeller Mounting and GuardBracket is mounted to the rear ofthe hopper.To access the Dust Control VacuumFan Motor, tilt the recovery tankout away from the machine.The Case Drain Hose is connectedto the hydraulic reservoir.The top hydraulic hose isconnected to port 2 on the maincontrol valve.The bottom hydraulic hose isconnected to a union, which isconnected to the discharge port onthe main broom motor.Connected toPort 2 on theMain Control ValveConnected to Union/Discharge Port onMain Broom MotorCaseDrainHoseDust ControlVacuum FanMotorImpellerMountingand GuardBracket