AXIS 223M - Video and Image Settings16Advanced SettingsThese web pages include different settings for fine-tuning the video image.Camera SettingsTo compensate for the lightingconditions, the white balance,the exposure control, theexposure area and the IR cutfilter can all be adjusted. DC-Irisshould always be enabled, exceptwhen focusing, or when using anon-DC-Iris lens.The settings for low lightbehavior determine how thecamera will behave at low lightlevels. These settings all affectvideo image quality and arebasically a measure of how muchnoise to allow in the videoimages.Please see the online help for further information on these settings.MPEG-4 SettingsThese are the tools for adjusting the MPEG-4 settings and controlling the video bit rate.The MPEG-4 standard providesmany different coding tools forvarious applications in differentsituations. As most MPEG-4clients do not support all ofthese tools, it is usual to insteaddefine and use subsets fordifferent clients or groups ofclients. These settings allow youto define the type of viewingclient to use.Adjusting the maximum bit rateand setting it to variable orconstant is a good way ofcontrolling the bandwidth usedby the MPEG-4 video stream.For more information on theseadvanced settings, please see the online help, and Video Streams, on page 11.