18 USER MANUAL11.4.1 Drying profilesDRYING PROFILES1. Drying temp. : 120C2. Mode : Short mode3. Calculation : m0-m/m0*100%4. Samples quantity : 2 samples5. Sampling interval : 10s6. Drying time : 0:10:00s7. Drying profiles : standard8. Settings storing : 19. Temp. correctionENTERDRYING PROFILESDrying profile : <standard>T=120C TExitDrying profile will be used tooptimization of drying process byaccommodation a process tophysical properties of samplematerial.Step or slow profile can be used tooxidizing or surfaces thickenmaterials. Quick profile can be usedto immune materials.Profile chooses and his parametersshould be the result of experiencewith the test material.120C Selected a drying profile by ENTERkey, choose a adequate profile(standard, slow, step or quick) andt set a temperature (T) and time (t)value.DRYING PROFILESDrying profile : <slow>t1=100s TExit120Ct1DRYING PROFILESDrying profile : <step>t1=100sT1=60C Tt2=100s 120CT2=90CExit t1 t2tDRYING PROFILESDrying profile : <quick>t1=100sT1=140C T T1Exit 120CCaution:The ending temperature can besetting on Standard profile or Setting(Main menu) onlyt1t .