USER MANUAL 23START SET RAP MEM STOP END11.7 Proper moisture analysisBefore measurement carefully prepare the sample (as described in chapter Descriptionof Thermogravimetric Analysis) and set correct drying parameters (see chapter WorkingParameters Setting).m0-m/m0*100% Ts=120C ts= 0:10:00sT = 32.23Cm= 0.000gPlace an empty single-use pan andtare the balance with T key.Open the drying chamber and usingthe pan handle place the single-uset =0:00:00sm0= 0.000g 0.00 % pan with the sample on the pansupport. Close the chamber.START SET RAP MEM STOP SAMPLETm0-m/m0*100% Ts=120C ts= 0:10:00sT = 32.23Cm= 2.033gStart the measurement choosingSTART option (F1 key).Drying in progress is signalised witht =0:00:00sm0= 2.033g 0.00 % alternating SAMPLE /DRYINGcommunicate.START SET RAP MEM STOP SAMPLEF1 F2 F3 F4 F5m0-m/m0*100% Ts=120C ts= 0:10:00sT = 32.23CWait until END communicateappears. Now read the result.Attention: No STB communicateand m0 sign in negative, marksm= 2.013gt =0:00:50sm0= 2.033g1.00 % acceptance of unstable initial massvalue m0, caused by pressing thepan to chamber wall or by too fastsample drying, which can cause tomeasurement failures.During the measurement the following information is displayed:m0-m/m0*100% - mathematic formula used for calculationsT s – defined drying temperaturets - defined drying timeT – current drying temperaturem – current weightt – current drying timem0 – initial weight