15AXIS M11 Series - VideoVideoClick to access the online help that explainsthe Setup tools.Video StreamThe video stream settings appear under threedifferent tabs:• Image• H.264• MJPEGPreviewFor a preview of the image before saving, selectthe Video format and click Open.The pixel counter shows the number of pixels inan area of the image and can be used to ensurethat the size of the image fulfills certainrequirements, for example for face recognition.Use the mouse to move and resize the rectangle, or enter the number of pixels in the Width and Height fields and click Apply.When satisfied with the settings, click Save.ImageImage AppearanceUse these settings to modify the image resolution and compression. Setting the compression level affects the image qualityand the amount of bandwidth required; the lower the compression, the higher the image quality with higher bandwidthrequirements. The image can also be mirrored (reversed) and rotated.Digital PTZ shows if Digital PTZ has been enabled or not. If enabled, the maximum zoom rate is shown under Max. Toconfigure the Digital PTZ and Max zoom settings, click the Digital PTZ link or navigate to PTZ > PTZ Settings. Note that theresolutions available in the Resolution drop-down list depend on the selected maximum zoom. See PTZ Settings, on page 21.Video StreamTo avoid bandwidth problems on thenetwork, the frame rate allowed to eachviewer can be limited. Select the Unlimitedradio button option to allow the highestavailable frame rate; or select the Limitedto radio button option and enter a value(1-30) fps in the field.Overlay SettingsTo place an overlay image at specificcoordinates in the image, check Includeoverlay image at the coordinates andenter the X and Y coordinates. The overlayimage must first be uploaded to thenetwork camera, see Overlay Image, onpage 18.Text, date, and time can also be used as anoverlay. Click for information on available options.Text,date & timeoverlay