39AXIS M11 Series - TroubleshootingFor further assistance, please contact your reseller or see the support pages on the Axis website at www.axis.com/techsupLower frame rate than expected Reduce number of applications running on the client computer.Limit the number of simultaneous viewers.Check with the system administrator that there is enough bandwidth available. See also theonline help.Check in the AMC Control Panel (H.264 tab) that video processing is set to Decode all framespossible.Lower the image resolution.Why do I not get 30 frames per second? See the section General performance considerations, on page 42.Image degeneration Decrease the GOV length, see the online help for more information.The Status and Network indicator LEDs are flashing red rapidlyHardware failure Contact your Axis reseller.The Status indicator LED is flashing red and the camera is inaccessibleA firmware upgrade has been inter-rupted or the firmware has otherwisebeen damagedSee the Emergency Recovery Procedure above.No images displayed on web pageProblem with AXIS Media Control.(Internet Explorer only)To enable the updating of video images in Internet Explorer, set your browser to allow ActiveXcontrols. Also, make sure that AXIS Media Control is installed on your workstation.Installation of additional ActiveX com-ponent restricted or prohibitedConfigure your camera to use a Java applet for updating the video images underLive View Config > Layout > Default Viewer for Internet Explorer. See the online help for moreinformation.Video/Image problems, generalImage too dark or too light Check the video image settings. See the online help on Video Stream and Camera Settings.Missing images in uploads This can occur when trying to use a larger image buffer than is actually available. Try loweringthe frame rate or the upload period.Slow image update Configuring pre-buffers, motion detection, high-resolution images, or high frame rates, willaffect the performance of the camera.Poor performance Poor performance may be caused by heavy network traffic, multiple users accessing the unit,low performance clients, use of features such as motion detection, event handling and imagerotation other than 180 degrees.Poor quality snapshot imagesScreen incorrectly configured on yourworkstationIn Display Properties, configure your screen to show at least 65000 colors, that is, at least16-bit. Using only 16 or 256 colors will produce dithering artifacts in the image.Overlay/Privacy mask is not displayedIncorrect size or location of overlay orprivacy mask.The overlay or privacy mask may have been positioned incorrectly or may be too large. Refer toOverlay Image Settings in the online help for more information.Browser freezesNetscape 7.x or Mozilla 1.4 (or later)can sometimes freeze on a slow com-puterLower the image resolution.Problems uploading filesLimited space There is only limited space available for the upload of your own files. Try deleting existing filesto free up space.Motion Detection triggers unexpectedlyChanges in luminance Motion detection is based on changes in luminance in the image. This means that if there aresudden changes in the lighting, motion detection may be triggered mistakenly. Lower the sensi-tivity setting to avoid problems with luminance.