Section 8: Advanced OptionsAxis NPS 550 User’s Manual 63PostScript PageOrientationWhen the ASCII to PostScript filter is active, a page orientation must bespecified. The default page orientation is Portrait, and may be specifiedindividually for each logical printer. See the example below on how tochange the page orientation.The page orientation setting is ignored when the ASCII to PostScript fil-ter is inactive.PostScript PageFormatWhen the ASCII to PostScript filter is active, a page format must be spec-ified. The page format is defined by six byte values: Lines per Page, Char-acters per Line, Characters per Inch, Lines per Inch, Left Margin, andTop Margin (see also PR1_FORM, Printer1 Menu in Appendix A).The page format settings are ignored when the ASCII to PostScript filteris inactive.Example: The following entries in your config file will activate the ASCII toPostScript conversion for PR2, set the page size to Letter, the page orien-tation to Landscape, and the page format to 48 lines per page, 0 charactersper line (equal to disable line wrap), 12 CPI, 6 LPI, 3 mm left margin and5 mm top margin:PostScript Font You may specify a PostScript font to be used when the ASCII toPostScript filter is active. The specified font must be available in theattached PostScript printer. An invalid font name may cause a PostScripterror and terminate the printout.If no font name is specified, Courier (fixed pitch) will be used.The font settings are ignored when the ASCII to PostScript filter is inac-tive.Example: The following entry in your config file will select the Helvetica propor-tional font as the PR2 PostScript font:PR2_FILT. : POSTSCRPR2_SIZE. : LETTERPR2_ORNT. : LANDSPR2_FORM. : 48 0 120 60 30 50PR2_FONT. : Helvetica