22Set positions for the television to turn toIf your television is equippedwith the optional motorised floorstand or wall bracket, you canturn it using the remote control.Furthermore, you can set thetelevision to turn automatically toface your favourite viewingposition when you switch on thetelevision. It can turn to adifferent position when you listento, for example, a connectedradio, and turn away to a standbyposition when you switch it off.You can also set up other standpositions for other listening orviewing positions.If your television is equippedwith the optional motorised tablestand, you can set it to tilt slightlyin the STAND ADJUSTMENTmenu, found in the STAND menu,for example, to avoid disturbingreflections.If your television is equipped with amotorised floor stand or wall bracket,choose one position for video mode, one foraudio mode, and one for standby. You canalso preset stand positions of your ownchoice, for example, when you sit in anarmchair reading or when you sit at thedining table.Bring up the STAND POSITIONS menu tostore, name or delete a stand position.If you wish to store the current stand positionin an empty stand position field, you justpress the centre button when you haveselected the field. Then you can name thestand position.You cannot rename or delete the STANDBY,VIDEO and AUDIO stand positions. Also youcannot name fields where no stand positionsare set. Empty fields are shown by <…>. Insome languages, you must choose betweenpredefined names.Preset stand positionsIf your setup includes a motorised floorstand or wall bracket, you will during first-time setup be prompted to calibrate theouter positions of the motorised movement.For the floor stand this is done by enteringthe distance from the stand to the wall,follow on-screen instructions. Themotorised movement of the television willnot work until the calibration process hasbeen completed. If the television is placeddifferently later on, for example, in a corner,it is necessary to calibrate the motorisedmovement again. See page 11 forinformation about moving your television.Depending on your setup, you can bring up amenu for stand positions or wall bracketpositions.Calibrate the motorised movementMENUSETUPSTANDSTAND POSITIONS…MENUSETUPSTANDSTAND ADJUSTMENT The calibration process allows you to set themaximum angle the television will turn – leftand right.