3How to use your remote control, 6See how to use the remote control. You canalso use BeoRemote App to operate yourtelevision.Understanding the guide, 8See how to use the illustrated menuoperations, how to navigate in menus andunderstand the indicator light as a help foryou to get an optimal experience with yourBang & Olufsen television.Set up your television, 11How to place and handle your television in acorrect way.Maintenance, 13See how to clean and maintain yourproducts.Connections, 14Connect your television and expand yoursetup by connecting additional equipment,such as a set-top box, a PC or a camera towiden your source selection. If needed, youcan reset to default settings.Set positions for the television to turn to,22Preset positions for a motorised floor standor wall bracket to turn to in order to optimisethe experience for several viewing andlistening positions. You can also adjust thetilt of a motorised table stand to avoidreflections.Set up additional equipment, 23Register connected equipment via theSOURCE LIST menu and download PUCtables to operate non-Bang & Olufsenequipment with your Bang & Olufsen remotecontrol. You can remove PUC tables you nolonger wish to use, and you can set up USBdevices, for example, to use for recordings.Watch television, 26Watch television, bring up programmeinformation and make a recording on aconnected USB HDD or SSD. You can turnthe TV to different viewing and listeningpositions and change subtitles and audiooptions to customise the viewing experienceto your preferences.Use channels, groups and lists, 30Create, edit and use groups and lists, forexample, to customise the range of channelsto the preferences of the individual memberof a family. Thus, no one has to go throughall the available channels when searching fora specific channel. You can edit and addchannels and watch Pay Per View channels,if available.Pause and play back a programme, 33Pause, repeat and resume a digitalprogramme in progress if you haveconnected a USB HDD or SSD. This enablesyou to take a break, for example, to get a cupof coffee and return after a while to continuewhere you left off, a while behind theprogramme’s live signal. You can stepbackward and forward to replay a scene thatyou missed.Record a programme, 35Set a Timer to record a programme you wishto watch again or at a different time thanwhen it is broadcasted. Bring up a list ofTimers to edit a Timer or to get an overviewof the programmes you have planned torecord. If you are watching a programmethat you decide you want to keep, you canalso copy from the timeshift buffer to theUSB Hard Disk Drive or Solid State Drive thatis set up for recording.Play a recording, 38Play and browse through recordings,whether they are old recordings or newrecordings, executed by Timers, that youhave not played yet.Edit recordings, 40Protect, name, sort, trim, split or deleterecordings. All of these functions enablesyou to modify and customise yourrecordings as you wish. You can also changecategory or activate a Parental Lock.Re-tune channels, 41Channels are updated automatically, but youcan also update channels manually if neededor reinstall all channels, for example, if youhave switched to another service provider.Loudspeaker setup – surround sound, 43Make your television part of a surroundsound system to enjoy a fantastic soundexperience. If you want speakers in yoursetup to be connected wirelessly, associatethe speakers to your television to not onlyenjoy the sound but also the aesthetics ofwireless surroundings. You are encouragedto create different speaker groups tooptimise the sound experience for differentlistening positions, and you can set up soundmodes to suit different types of programmesor sources.Contents – Click a headline to move to that sectionVersion 1.0 1404Continues …