![Barco REALITY 8200LC R9001218 Owner's Manual Manual pdf 25 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4880566/f35dc35e02ba3ddf189d63bbe7bbab6325f.jpg)
6-1Controlling5975848A BARCOREALITY 8200LC 2711976CeilingScreenIR sensorRCUR G B V R G B H / C VOn98 27910R G B H / C VH9,'(2,13879,'(269, '(2RS 232 IN REMOTEPROJECTORMODE:GREEN - OPERATIONRED - STANDBYCOMMUNICATIONPORT(800-PERIPHERALS)RS232 OU TIR-ACKNOWLEDGEDIR-RECEIVEDDIAG NOSTICSCODE IR-RECEIVER9 $+]0 I T h i s d e v i ce co m p l ie s w i t h P a rt 1 5 o f t h e F C C r u le s. O p er a t i o ni s s u b j e c t t o f o ll o w i n g t w o c o n d i t i o n s :(1 ) T h is d ev i c e m a y n o t c au se h a rm f u l i n t e rf e re n c e(2 ) T h is d ev i c e m u s t a c c e p t a n y i n t e rf e re n c e re ce iv e di n c lu d i n g i n t e rf e re n c e t h a t m a y ca u s e u n d e s i re d o p e r a t i o nR G B V R G B H / C VOn98 27910R G B H /C VH9,'(2,13879 ,' (26 9 ,'(2RS232 IN REMOTEPROJECTORMODE :GREEN - OPERATI ONRED - STANDBYCOMMUNICATION PORT(800-PERIPHERALS)RS 232 O UTIR- ACKNOWLEDGEDIR-RECEIVEDDI AG NOSTICSCODE IR- RECEIVER 9 $ +]0 I T hi s d ev ic e c om pl i es w it h P ar t 1 5 of t he F C C r ul es . O per a ti oni s s ub je c t t o f ol low i ng t w o c on di ti on s :( 1) Th is d ev i c e m a y n ot c au s e ha rm f ul in te r fe re nc e( 2) Th is d ev i c e m u s t a c c ep t an y in te r fe r enc e r e c ei v edi nc l ud in g i nt er f er e nc e t hat m ay c a us e u nd es i r ed op er at i onADDRADJ EXITSTBY MUTE TEXTB RI GHT NE SS- +- +- +- +SHARPNESS- +TINTCOLORCONTRAST)5((=097 86543 21(17(5RCUFront of projectorIR sensorADDRADJ EXITSTBY MUTE TEXTBRIGHTNESS- +- +- +- +SHARPNESS- +TINTCOLORCONTRAST)5((=097 865 4321(17(5RCURear of projectorIR sensorTable45° 45° 45° 45°CONTROLLINGThe projector can be controlled witha. The RCUb. The hardwired RCU (cable is not included)c. The local keypad.Controlling the projector with the RCU and the hardwired RCU is equal.How to Use the RCU?a) Point the front of the RCU to the reflective screen surface.b) RCU used in a hardwired configuration.Plug one end of the remote cable in the connector on the bottom ofthe RCU and the second side in the connector in the front panel ofthe projector labelled 'REMOTE'.When using the wireless remote control, make sure you are withinthe effective operating distance (30m, 100ft in a straight line). Theremote control unit will not function properly if strong light strikes thesensor window or if there are obstacles between the remote controlunit and the projector IR sensor.Projector Addressa. Software Set up of the Projector Address.See 'Change projector address' in chapter 'Service mode'.b. How to Control the Projector or Projectors.Every projector requires an individual address between 0 and 255which can be set in the Service mode.When the address is set, the projector can be controlled now :- RCU for addresses between 0 and 9.- Computer, e.g. IBM PC (or compatible), Apple MAC, etc. foraddresses between 0 and 255.Note : A projector will respond to a RCU set to an address of '0'regardless of what address is set in the projector itself.c. Using the RCU.Before using the RCU, its is necessary to enter the projector addressinto the RCU (only when that address is between 0 and 9). Theprojector with the corresponding address will listen to that specificRCU.When address 0, is programmed into the RCU, every projec-tor, without exception will listen to the commands given by this RCU.c) Point the front of the RCU directly at one of the IR sensors of theprojector.