CSX400 Firmware SupportCyberSWITCH CSX400 and CSX400-DC Installation Guide2-11A Network Terminator device (NT1) provides the interface between ISDN terminal (router)equipment and the ISDN service provider. In the U.S., the NT1 is provided by the customer;outside the U.S., the NT1 is provided by the ISDN service provider. The CSX400 supports theWPIM-S/T by providing an S/T interface that requires an external NT1.Telephone Switch SupportThe following telephone switch types are supported within the U.S.:Outside of the U.S. the following switch types are supported: (Future Release)• NET3 (European ISDN)• NET3SW (European Swiss-variant)• NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone)• KDD (Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co., Ltd.)• French Delta (VN4) switchesISDN Back-upThe ISDN back-up feature provides a back-up link for a remote site or branch office when one ormore primary WAN interfaces for a frame relay circuit or a nailed-up PPP connection fails. TheWPIM-S/T serves as the backup medium for this primary connection. The WPIM-S/T uses theISDN interfaces to back-up any primary interfaces which have been configured for ISDN back-up.Time to Connect, Time to Disconnect, Connect Retries, Back-up Override, Input Idle Time-outand Output Idle Time-out, are the six back-up parameters used to manage the ISDN Back-upfeature on the CSX400, and are described as follows:Time to Connect — Time to Connect allows you to configure the amount of seconds the primaryinterface can be in a failed state, before attempting to switch over to the back-up interface.Time to Disconnect — Time to Disconnect allows you to configure the amount of seconds therestored primary interface must remain connected, before attempting to switch over from theback-up interface.Connect Retries — Connect Retries allows you to configure the number of tries to bring up theback-up interface, before giving up.Backup Override — Backup Override forces the back-up interface to remain connected, anddoes not allow the back-up interface to switch back to the primary interface, even if the primaryinterface is restored.