6H122-08 User’s Guide1-1CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONWelcome to the Cabletron Systems 6H122-08 SmartSwitch 6000Interface Module User’s Guide. This guide describes the 6H122-08Interface Module and provides information concerning networkrequirements, installation, troubleshooting, and the use of LocalManagement.1.1 USING THIS GUIDERead through this guide completely to understand the 6H122-08 modulefeatures, capabilities, and Local Management functions. A generalworking knowledge of Fast Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 type datacommunications networks and their physical layer components is helpfulwhen using these devices.1.2 STRUCTURE OF THIS GUIDEThis guide is organized as follows:Chapter 1, Introduction, outlines the contents of this manual, describesthe features of the 6H122-08, and provides instructions for gettingadditional help. This chapter also includes a list of technology and userguides that may help the user to set up and manage the 6H122-08.Chapter 2, Network Requirements, outlines the network requirementsthat must be met before installing the 6H122-08 into the 6C105SmartSwitch 6000 chassis.Chapter 3, Installation, provides instructions on how to install themodule in the chassis and connect segments to the device.Chapter 4, Troubleshooting, details the 6H122-08 LANVIEW LEDs thatenable quick diagnosis of network/operational problems.NOTEIn this document, the 6H122-08 Interface Module is referred toas either the “6H122-08” or the “module”.