Chapter 4: Troubleshooting4-66H122-08 User’s Guide4.3 TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLISTIf the 6H122-08 is not working properly, refer to Table 4-4 for a checklistof possible problems, causes, and recommended actions to resolve theproblem.Table 4-4 Troubleshooting ChecklistProblem Possible Cause Recommended ActionAll LEDs are OFF.Loss of Power to the 6C105chassis.Check the properconnection of the powercable and its access to alive outlet.The 6H122-08 not properlyinstalled. Check the installation.No LocalManagementPassword screen.Autobaud enabled. Press ENTER (RETURN)(may take up to four times).Terminal setup is notcorrect.Refer to Chapter 5 forproper setup procedures.Improper console cablepinouts.Refer to Appendix A forproper console port pinouts.Cannot contact the6H122-08 fromin-bandmanagement.Improper CommunityNames Table.Refer to Section 5.8for Community NamesTable setup.The 6H122-08 does nothave an IP address.Refer to Section 5.15.1 forIP address assignmentprocedure.Port is disabled. Enable port.No link to device. Check link to device.Port(s) goes intostandby for noapparent reason.The 6H122-08 detects alooped condition.Review network design anddelete unnecessary loops.User parameters(IP address,Device andModule name,etc.) are lost whenthe 6H122-08 ispowered down orthe front panelRESET button ispressed.Mode switch (7), NVRAMReset, was changedsometime before eithercycling power or pressingthe RESET button, causingthe user-enteredparameters to reset tofactory default settings.Clear NVRAM was setthrough Local Management.Reenter the lost parametersas necessary. Call theCabletron Systems GlobalCal Center if problemcontinues.