Configuring Source Address Traps5-7Source Addressing• A port’s topology status (station or trunk) remains fixed while locking is ineffect, even if the number of detected addresses changes.• Any ports disabled due to a violation (or because they were unlinked whenlocking was enabled) must be manually re-enabled via their Port menus, and• There are no additional Security features available.If you are not sure which set of port locking features your device firmwaresupports, contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support.Configuring Source Address TrapsThe SEHI can issue several different traps in response to changes in the SourceAddress Table; you can enable and disable certain of these traps for the SEHI as awhole, and, if your device has very new firmware, they can also be enabled ordisabled for each individual module and port.You can enable and disable the following Source Address traps:• A newSourceAddress trap is generated when a station port — one receivingpackets from zero, one, or two source addresses — receives a packet from asource address that is not currently in its source address table. Informationincluded in this trap includes the board number, port number, and sourceaddress associated with the trap. Trunk ports — those receiving packets fromthree or more source addresses — will not issue newSourceAddress traps.• A sourceAddressTimeout trap is issued anytime a source address is aged outof the Source Address Table due to inactivity. The trap’s interestinginformation includes the board and port index, and the source address thattimed out. (See Setting the Ageing Time, page 5-4, for more information.)Other traps that will be sent in response to changes in source addressing (evenwhen the above traps have been disabled) include:NOTEIf the Module Traps and Port Traps buttons on the Repeater Source Address screen aregrayed-out, your device firmware does NOT support the ability to enable and disablesource addressing traps at the module and port levels. Contact Cabletron SystemsTechnical Support for information about upgrading your device firmware.SPMA does not accept the trap messages; that task is left to your network managementsystem. (See the appropriate network management system documentation for detailsabout viewing trap messages.) When this utility is used in stand-alone mode, traps willeither be ignored when they return to the workstation from which you are running SPMAfor the SEHI, or they will turn up at another management workstation which has beenconfigured to accept traps. Note also that, regardless of the configuration performed usingthis utility, NO traps will be sent by the device unless its trap table has been properlyconfigured; see the SEHI hardware manual and/or the Trap Table chapter in the SPMATools Guide for more information.