Refer to Owner Manual for further information. Reviewed with Customer (Please Check Box) 11POWER MIRRORS ANDCURB-VIEW ASSISTThe power mirrors control is locatedon the driver’s door and controlsboth outside rearview mirrors aswell as the outside parallel park(curb-view) assist function.Activating Curb-View AssistCurb-view assist tilts down thedriver or passenger mirror when thevehicle is shifted into Reverse (R).The mirror will return to its originalposition when the vehicle is shiftedout of Reverse (R) and a five-seconddelay has occurred. If the outsidemirror selector switch is in themiddle position, neither outsidemirror will move.Vehicle PersonalizationVEHICLE PERSONALIZATIONSETTINGSA variety of your vehicle’sfeatures can be programmed toa preferred setting for up to twopeople. On vehicles without thenavigation audio system, usethe Personal Settings Menu toset feature preferences.Personal Settings Menu1. Turn the ignition to the On orAccessory position.2. Press any button on the KeylessAccess System transmitter toidentify yourself as Driver 1or Driver 2.3. Turn on the radio.4. Press the CNFG (Configure)button or the Tune/Select knobon the radio to enter the radio’smain menu.5. Use the Tune/Select knob to scrollto SETUP, and then press the knobto enter the menu.6. Use the Tune/Select knob toscroll to PERSONAL SETTINGSMENU, and then press the knob toenter the menu. A list ofpersonalization featureswill appear.7. Use the Tune/Select knob to scrollto the feature you would like toset, and then press the knob toturn the feature on or off. If thefeature is turned on, a check markwill appear.Some features have submenus thatshow additional features that can beset. After entering a submenu, use theTune/Select knob to scroll throughthe features, and then press the knobto turn the feature on or off.To exit the Personal Settings Menu,press the F6 (Back) button on theradio, or wait 15 seconds toautomatically return to the mainaudio screen.Depending on equipment, thePersonal Settings Menu may include:• Driver Greeting• Key Fob Reminder• Remote Start• Remote Recall Memory• Start Button Recall• Auto Exit SeatDriverInformationSafety & Security Convenience VehiclePersonalizationEntertainment Performance &MaintenanceOwnerPrivileges™111983_09a_STS_GTK_042908.qxd:STS 2007 A 4/29/08 5:18 PM Page 13