Black plate (19,1)Cadillac DTS Owner Manual - 2011There are six follow distances to choose from. Thefollow distance selection ranges from near to far(one second to two seconds follow time). The distancemaintained for a selected follow distance will varybased on vehicle speed. The faster the vehicle speedthe further back your vehicle will follow. Consider trafficand weather conditions when selecting the followdistance. The range of selectable distances may not beappropriate for all drivers and driving conditions. If youprefer to travel at a follow distance farther than ACCallows, disengage the system and drive manually.Alerting the DriverThe ACC alert symbol islocated on the display atthe top of the instrumentpanel to the right of thedriver.The alert symbol flashes and a warning beep soundswhen driver action may be required. If ACC is engaged,the alert symbol will flash when:. ACC cannot apply sufficient braking because youare approaching a vehicle too rapidly.. The vehicle speed drops below about 32 km/h(20 mph).. A temporary condition prohibits ACC fromoperating. See DIC Warnings and Messages onpage 4‑65 for more information.. A malfunction is detected in the system. See DICWarnings and Messages on page 4‑65 for moreinformation.See Defensive Driving on page 5‑2.{ WARNING:Adaptive Cruise Control has only limited brakingability to slow your vehicle. In some cases,Adaptive Cruise Control may not have time toslow your vehicle enough to avoid a collision. Beready to take action and apply the brakesyourself. See Defensive Driving on page 5‑2.4-19