Black plate (7,1)Cadillac DTS Owner Manual - 2011Mexico, Central America and CaribbeanIslands/Countries (Except Puerto Ricoand U.S. Virgin Islands)General Motors de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.Customer Assistance CenterAv. Ejercito Nacional #843Col. GranadaC.P. 11520, Mexico, D.F.01-800-466-0805Long Distance: 011-52-53 29 0805GM Mobility ReimbursementProgramThis program is available to qualified applicants forcost reimbursement of eligible aftermarket adaptiveequipment required for your vehicle, such as handcontrols or a wheelchair/scooter lift for the vehicle.For more information on the limited offer, or call the GM Mobility AssistanceCenter at 1-800-323-9935. Text telephone (TTY) users,call 1-800-833-9935.General Motors of Canada also has a Mobility Program.Call 1-800-GM-DRIVE (463-7483) for details. TTY userscall 1-800-263-3830.Roadside ServiceIn the United States or Canada, call 1-800-882-1112.Text Telephone (TTY), U.S. only, call 1-888-889-2438.Service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.Calling for ServiceWhen calling Roadside Service, have the followinginformation ready:. Your name, home address, and home telephonenumber. Telephone number of your location. Location of the vehicle. Model, year, color, and license plate number of thevehicle. Odometer reading, Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN), and delivery date of the vehicle. Description of the problem8-7