Black plate (38,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/125-38 Instruments and ControlsRide Control SystemMessagesALL WHEEL DRIVE OFFIf the vehicle has theAll-Wheel-Drive (AWD) system, thismessage displays when there is atemporary condition making theAWD system unavailable. Thevehicle will run in 2WD. This couldbe caused by:. Loss of wheel or vehicle speed. AWD system overheat. Certain vehicle electricalconditionsThis message turns off when theabove conditions are no longerpresent and the warning message isreset.See All-Wheel Drive on page 9‑28.SERVICE ALL WHEEL DRIVEThis message displays if a problemoccurs with the All-Wheel-Drive(AWD) system. The vehicle will runin 2WD. This could be caused by:. An electronics problem. Worn out or overheated clutchplates. Various electrical issuesThe system may need service. Seeyour dealer.SERVICE STABILITRAKThis message displays if there is aproblem with the StabiliTrak system.See StabiliTrak ® System onpage 9‑34.SERVICE SUSPENSIONSYSTEMThis message displays when thereis a problem with the Magnetic RideControl system. See Driver ModeControl on page 9‑36. Have thevehicle serviced by your dealer.SERVICE TRACTIONCONTROLThis message displays when thereis a problem with the TractionControl System (TCS). See TractionControl System (TCS) onpage 9‑33.STABILITRAK OFFThis message may display when theStabiliTrak system has been turnedoff. See StabiliTrak ® System onpage 9‑34.TRACTION CONTROL OFFThis message may display when theTraction Control System (TCS) hasbeen turned off. See TractionControl System (TCS) on page 9‑33TRACTION CONTROL ONThis message may display when theTraction Control System (TCS) hasbeen turned on. See TractionControl System (TCS) on page 9‑33InformationProvidedby: