Black plate (42,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/1210-42 Vehicle Careand weather conditions. Originalequipment tires designed to GM'sspecific tire performance criteriahave a TPC specification codemolded onto the sidewall. Originalequipment all-season tires can beidentified by the last two charactersof this TPC code, which willbe “MS.”Consider installing winter tires onthe vehicle if frequent driving onsnow or ice-covered roads isexpected. All-season tires provideadequate performance for mostwinter driving conditions, but theymay not offer the same level oftraction or performance as wintertires on snow or ice-covered roads.See Winter Tires on page 10‑42.Winter TiresThis vehicle was not, originally,equipped with winter tires. Wintertires are designed for increasedtraction on snow and ice-coveredroads. Consider installing wintertires on the vehicle if frequentdriving on snow or ice-coveredroads is expected. See your dealerfor details regarding winter tireavailability and proper tire selection.Also, see Buying New Tires onpage 10‑57.With winter tires, there may bedecreased dry road traction,increased road noise, and shortertread life. After changing to wintertires, be alert for changes in vehiclehandling and braking.If using winter tires:. Use tires of the same brand andtread type on all four wheelpositions.. Use only radial ply tires of thesame size, load range, andspeed rating as the originalequipment tires.Winter tires with the same speedrating as the original equipment tiresmay not be available for H, V, W, Y,and ZR speed rated tires. If wintertires with a lower speed rating arechosen, never exceed the tire'smaximum speed capability.Run-Flat TiresThis vehicle, when new, may havehad run-flat tires. There is no sparetire, no tire changing equipment,and no place to store a tire in thevehicle.The vehicle also has a TirePressure Monitor System (TPMS)that indicates a loss of tire pressurein any of the tires.{ WARNINGIf the low tire warning lightdisplays on the instrument cluster,the handling capabilities will bereduced during severemaneuvers. Driving too fast couldcause loss of control and you orothers could be injured. Do notdrive over 90 km/h (55 mph) when(Continued)InformationProvidedby: