Black plate (3,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/12Lighting 6-3. The outside light is brightenough that high-beamheadlamps are not required.. The vehicle's speed drops below20 km/h (12 mph).. The turn and lane-change leveris moved forward to thehigh-beam position or theFlash-to-Pass feature is used.See Headlamp High/Low-BeamChanger on page 6‑4 andFlash-to-Pass on page 6‑4.. The automatic high-beamsystem can be disabled by theHigh/Low-Beam Changer or theFlash-to-Pass feature. If thishappens, the High/Low-BeamChanger must be activated twotimes within five seconds toreactivate the automatichigh-beam system. Theinstrument cluster light will comeon to indicate the automatichigh-beam system is reactivated.The high beams may not turn offautomatically if the system cannotdetect other vehicle's lampsbecause of any of the following:. The other vehicle's lamp(s) aremissing, damaged, obstructedfrom view, or otherwiseundetected.. The other vehicle's lamp(s) arecovered with dirt, snow, and/orroad spray.. The other vehicle's lamp(s)cannot be detected due to denseexhaust, smoke, fog, snow, roadspray, mist, or other airborneobstructions.. Your vehicle's windshield is dirty,cracked, or obstructed bysomething that blocks the viewof the light sensor.. Your vehicle's windshield iscovered with ice, dirt, haze,or other obstructions.. Your vehicle is loaded such thatthe front end points upward,causing the light sensor to aimhigh and not detect headlampsand taillamps.. You are driving on winding orhilly roads.You may need to manually disableor cancel the high-beam headlampsby turning the low-beam headlampson, if any of the above conditionsexist.Exterior Lamps OffReminderA warning chime will sound if theexterior lamp control is left on ineither the headlamp or parking lampposition and the driver door isopened with the ignition off.InformationProvidedby: