Black plate (51,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 10/5/12Driving and Operating 9-51WARNING (Continued)Under many conditions, thesesystems will not:. Detect children, pedestrians,bicyclists, or animals.. Detect vehicles or objectsoutside the area monitored bythe system.. Work at all driving speeds.. Warn you or provide you withenough time to avoid a crash.. Work under poor visibility orbad weather conditions.. Work if the detection sensoris not cleaned or is coveredby ice, snow, mud, or dirt.Complete attention is alwaysrequired while driving, and youshould be ready to take actionand apply the brakes and/or steerthe vehicle to avoid crashes.Audible or Safety Alert SeatSome driver assistance featuresalert the driver of obstacles bybeeping. To change the volume ofthe warning chime, see “Comfortand Convenience” under VehiclePersonalization on page 5‑43.If equipped with the Safety AlertSeat, the driver seat cushion mayprovide a vibrating pulse alertinstead of beeping. To change this,see “Collision/Detection Systems”under Vehicle Personalization onpage 5‑43.Assistance Systems forParking or BackingWhen the vehicle is in R (Reverse),the Rear Vision Camera (RVC) andRear Parking Assist may help thedriver to avoid a crash or to reducecrash damage. Some models mayalso have the Rear AutomaticBraking and Backing WarningSystem, Rear Cross Traffic Alert(RCTA), and/or Front ParkingAssist.When the vehicle is shifted intoR (Reverse), the RVC displays animage of the area behind the vehiclein the center stack display. Whenthe vehicle is shifted out ofR (Reverse), the screen returns tothe previous content, after a shortdelay. To see this screen sooner,press one of the radio buttons. If themessage Service Rear CameraSystem is displayed, the vehiclemay need service.